A big part of being a responsible pet owner when Checking If Your Pup Is Healthy is making sure your little fluff ball is keeping well at all times, just like you would with a baby. This is particularly important for new owners or first-time pet parents. There are many ways to determine if your puppy is healthy, but we’ll take a look at the simplest signs that always point to a healthy puppy.
1 Overall appearance:
The first sign of a healthy puppy is being visibly healthy, starting with the coat. Your pup’s fur should be clean and shiny for the most part. If there seems to be localised discolouration, shedding, bald patches, flaky skin, or regions of constant itching. It can indicate infections and allergies. Moreover, the coat should not have any distinctively poor smell.
Similarly, your puppy’s eyes, mouth, ears, and nose should untrouble under normal conditions. Their eyelids should mostly be relaxed and unswollen with no apparent blemishes or discolouration; mouth should be smelling fresh with pink gums and no signs of soreness or blisters; ears should be clear and unbothered by persistent scratching, and nose should be comfortably moist with no signs of discharge. The thumb rule, in this case, is “if your puppy looks healthy, your puppy is healthy”.
2 Activity:
Puppies, in general, are always curious, engaged, and interested – and a healthy puppy should be no different. Your favourite furball should be excited to be around you, remain relaxed, and be happy for the most part. Tail-wagging and playful barking are arguably the best indicators of if your puppy is healthy in terms of activity.
That being said, lethargic puppies point toward a problem. Napping is absolutely normal, even during the day. But lack of engagement for long periods of time after waking up or having disturbed sleep cycles is bad news.
3 Appetite:
A healthy puppy eats exactly like you would expect it to – like an adorable, food-gobbling machine! Of course, it might take a while for your pup to adjust to new environments, like when you bring them home for the first time. But this shouldn’t last any more than a few days. Your puppy should be eating fairly regularly and should definitely not be skipping any meals.
Moreover, steady weight gain represents proper milestones for your puppy’s appetite. If your puppy is at the correct weight standard for its breed and age, it indicates that your puppy is healthy. In case you suspect that your puppy is not at the right weight, consult a vet before making any drastic diet changes.
4 Waste management:
This might be an unusual one but a required checkpoint to see if your puppy is healthy. Your pup’s bowel movements must be fairly regular and they should face no trouble urinating. Moreover, the stool should be firm and show no signs of discolouration. A drop in frequency can indicate an upset stomach, worms, or some kind of obstruction. In worse cases, you may also notice unprovoked regurgitation, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
Although there are no accurate metrics to tell for certain that your puppy is healthy, looking out for these positive characteristics should definitely make veterinary decisions easier (such as when to take your puppy to the vet or if you should report a particular condition). And if you’re looking to adopt a healthy puppy of your own, check out our pup-tastic entries at Camlist today!